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  3. Organization-Specific Account Settings

How do I remove the suggested contribution to BetterWorld, from my organization's campaigns?

Since we don't charge nonprofits to use our tools with our Free Forever Plan, we include a suggested contribution on winning bids, purchased tickets etc. to help cover the campaign costs for the nonprofit. It costs us ~$650-$750 presently to run a campaign for an organization. As a social impact venture, we need to be able to cover our costs so we can have the biggest possible impact and be the best possible solution to nonprofits.  If we are unable to cover our costs on a campaign, we will not be able to sustainably serve nonprofits in their fundraising efforts.

Some organizations prefer to help cover the costs associated with their campaign themselves and not include a suggested contribution for their donors. We totally get it -- as it's one less thing for an individual to think about. For $950/year, any organization can upgrade to our Partner Plan and remove suggested contributions from all the tools for a year. Same as with the Free Forever plan, it's unlimited everything and we never take a percentage away from the dollars you raise. To sign up, once you're logged into the dashboard, click on the profile image, then select Plan (or just click this link).

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