What is the suggested contribution in your Free Forever Plan?

Everything we do at BetterWorld is oriented towards serving nonprofits with best-in-class fundraising tools. Our mission is to make these tools, which normally cost thousands, free and available for every nonprofit.

There are, however, real costs that go into building sustaining a world-class platform. Web hosting, security, data security, product development, support from awesome and friendly humans -- these costs add up, often in the range of $650-$750 per nonprofit. 

To make BetterWorld sustainable and to keep fundraising free for nonprofits, our core 'Free Forever' plan (which, as the name implies, is offered at no cost and no platform fee and unlimited use) is supported by optional contributions by donors. On transactions, such as bids, donations or tickets purchases, donors see an optional prompt to help cover fundraising costs. This suggested contribution, starting at $0.99 for winning bids, tickets, etc, and $0.25 for donations helps cover the costs of running each campaign and helps nonprofits keep 100% of what they raise. 

Donors who elect to not contribute to the costs of running the campaign are able to opt-out of the contribution -- with no detriment at all to organization they're supporting. (We don't reach out to organization or deduct it from their totals ... we incur the costs internally as part of our commitment to serving nonprofits and doing our best to honor the ideals of offering best-in-class fundraising tools for organizations where they can keep 100% of what they raise.

We do offer other plans for organizations that would prefer to remove this optional donor contribution. Our Flex plan is designed for organizations that would prefer to remove suggested contributions, without upgrading to a paid membership (Partner or Enterprise). On this plan, a small fee applies to transactions ranging from 1% - 5%, which can be hidden from donors and simply deducted from dollars raised or it can be made visible as an optional or required selection. Alternatively, we offer a Partner Plan, which is designed for organizations raising larger amounts. This plan is $1,550/year, and includes a 1% platform fee across all transactions. This too, can either be hidden from donors and simply deducted from dollars raised or it can be made visible as an optional or required selection.

With all of these options, our goal is to ensure flexibility for nonprofits, a seamless experience for donors, and to ultimately create the conditions to sustainably offer excellent, easy-to-use tools that help organizations spend less time fundraising and more time doing good in the world.