How do I check-in my guests at the event?

Checking in attendees is easy! 

There are two convenient ways to check in your guests - directly from your dashboard or by simply scanning a QR code.

To check guests in from your dashboard. Head to your dashboard click on Ticketed Events, then click on Manage. Next, click Attendees.

Find the name you wish to check-in. Locate the three dots on the far right-hand column, and click it. You will see the option to check in that guest. 

You will see the "Checked In?" column change from "No" to "Yes."

If you checked in someone accidentally, you can undo the check-in by clicking on the three dots and clicking "Undo check-in."


To check in guests using a QR code, all you need to do is scan the QR code provided to you by the guest.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 7.50.12 AM

This will take you to a page where you can easily check the guest in!


Your guests are now checked in!