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  2. Giveaways & Sweepstakes
  3. Creating & Managing Your Giveaway

Can there be a different winner for each drawing in my giveaway?

How to include or exclude previous drawing winners from a giveaway

If your Giveaway has multiple prizes to be won, you can add additional drawings. If you want to be sure that the same winner is not chosen for future prize drawings, you can adjust this in the Giveaway settings.


From your dashboard, head to 'Giveaways' - select 'Manage' - click 'Items & Settings' - under 'Settings' scroll to 'Drawings' - this is where you can add another drawing.



When you add Drawing 2, there will be an option to 'exclude winners from prior drawings' - select yes or no, and click 'save'. This will ensure each drawing has a different winner.

If someone purchases multiple ticket entries, or acquires additional entries through 'share to win', all of their ticket entries are attached to their email address and are assigned an entry ID, which can be found on the purchase receipt that is emailed to them.



If you select to exclude winners from prior drawings, it won't include any tickets attached to the email address/entry ID that won previously, regardless of how many ticket entries have been purchased or acquired.