Can I send a pledge reminder from the dashboard?

Yes! Administrators can now send pledge reminders if the donor has not yet fulfilled their pledge. When donors make a pledge, they will be prompted via text and email to fulfill their pledge. If they don't, they will be automatically reminded via email about 12 hours later. If after 12 hours, the donor has not fulfilled their pledge, the account administrator can send them another reminder from the dashboard 24 hours after the campaign has ended! Here's how:

From your dashboard, click on Donation Campaigns and then manage the paddle raise campaign you wish to send reminders to.

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 11.55.45

Click on "Donors" on the left-hand side. From this screen, you can choose to send a reminder to all donors who haven't paid or just select one specific donor. When you've decided who to send the reminder to, click on the button that says "Send Checkout Reminders." Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 12.00.42-1

You can now edit a customizable message. Press "Send." 

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 12.01.38

Your donor has now received another email reminder. They will not receive a text notification.

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 12.02.33

You are able to send as many reminders as you'd like! Please note, you must have an end date set for the paddle raise campaign in order for the reminder buttons to appear. The reminder buttons appear 24 hours after the set end date of the campaign. Set the end date in the 'settings' of your paddle raise campaign.